MijnGezondheid.net is the new, safe patient portal of the practice and is fully integrated into our PharmaPartners GP information system.
In MijnGezondheid.net, it is possible for our patients to request repeat prescriptions, to ask medical questions from the regular GPs (e-Consult), to view their own electronic medical file (including blood tests and medication list) and to make an appointments for the consultation hour (e-Appointment).
If you have already registered, you can choose the link below:
If it is the first time you use this and not yet registered, then follow the following steps:
- Click here to register: aanmelden.mijngezondheid.net/mgn-aanmeldformulier
- Fill in all your details. We will receive a confirmation of this and you will receive a confirmation within 2 working days so that you can log in via the main page. For this you need to enter your DigiD code (digid.nl/en)
- Unfortunately Mijngezondheid.net is only available in dutch.
- Abbreviation: e (electronic), GP (general practitioner).