Welcome to the website of Joeloemsingh’s general practice
Here you will find information regarding our practice, our employees and how to reach us.
You can also sign up for mijngezondheid.net.
Our telephone number: 058-2123700.
We make use of the following selection option menu:
- emergency: choose 1
- repeating prescriptions: choose 2
- making an appointment or talking to assistants: 3
Opening Hours
- The practice is open every working days from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
- There is an evening consultation on Wednesday evening from 5:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. (only by appointment).
The following information is important regarding your health and your visit to our general practice due to COVID-19 (coronavirus)
We do sincerely appreciate if you would follow the rules and recommendations that are mentioned below (based on the current advice regarding Covid-19 and the increased pressure on our general practice):
- Do you have no complaints, but questions about the coronavirus? In that case, we advise you to:
- first, have a look at rivm.nl/en/novel-coronavirus-covid-19 or thuisarts.nl
- or call the national information number: 0800-1351.
- Do not come to our practice if you do not have an appointment.
- Do not visit the practice without first contacting us by phone.
- We advise you to stay at home if you have a cold, have a caught or sore throat, without fever and shortness of breath. An assessment by the doctor is not necessary.
- If you are very ill with a fever and /or shortness of breath, please consult the assistants by phone.
- Do not come too early when you have an appointment so our waiting room does not become unnecessarily full.
- Please leave the practice immediately after the appointment.
- Do you have questions regarding COVID-19 (coronavirus) or are you unsure of whether you have been in an area at risk? We advise then to check the following websites for questions and answers:
It is mandatory to wear a mask when visiting our practice.
If you have any other questions or are seriously ill: call your doctor. Do not come to our practice.